On Friday you all seemed to name Climate Change & Pollution as two major concerns for Future Humans.
We will continue the film tomorrow. But for now:
Understand Climate change
Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye (video)
Sci Show (Hank Green) (video)
Watch this Sass-Machine Mic Drop Climate Deniers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhdymoRTz6M (video)
Why Don't People Believe in Climate Change Science?
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2euBvdP28c
Look at some 'Before' and 'Now' images taken by NASA satellites
Stat of Flux Before and Now Images
NASA: Frequently Asked Questions about Climate Change
NASA: Visualizations of Sea Ice, Sea Level, Carbon Dioxide and Global Temperature
GAME: Greenhouse Attack! (Flash based)
1. Why don't people accept Climate Science?
2. What are barriers to people taking action on reducing their CO2
3. What do you still find confusing or challenging about this?
4. What are 5 key things you got out of exploring the links above?