Course Outline & Resources

Human Science Course Outline

Use the Course Guideline to get an overview of the topics covered in the course and when/what your major assessments will be.

Writing in Your Own Words:
How to Write in Your Own Words: A Guide

Science Report (Essay-style) Guide:
How to Write a Sick-As Science Report

Report Rubric Be aware there is no need for a title page, although a thesis statement would be good.  To get Above Standard on bibliography you should be using 5+ references of excellent quality (ie. .gov, .edu, or from science websites or similar) and they should be referenced with 

Inquiry Guide:
The 9 Sections of a Science  Report
Inquiry: Self Assessing

How to Graph Your Results
Excel: Using Excel to Graph Results
Excel: Hints & Tips

Improve your chemistry Understanding:

Ionic vs Covalent Compounds (link to resources)

Balancing Chemical Equations (video)
Balancing Chemical Equations (notes)
Balancing Chemical Equation Questions (answers on back of page)

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