Sunday, August 21, 2016

Time Line Project

TIME LINE PROJECT (assignment outline)

Optional: Explore Human Evolution

Go through the following websites and take notes to improve your understanding of the evolution of humans.

Human Evolution over time.
Human Evolution Interactive

What period of time did Humans evolve over?  How did climate fluctuate? How many homo species do we know about?

Lucy: The crucial 'missing link' fossil between 4 legged primates and bipedal primates
An image of the fossils of 'Lucy' Australopithecus afarensis

This image reflects ALL the fossils we currently have of Australopithecus afarensis.  What questions or comments do you have about it? 

Big History: Human Evolution
Big History (chapter and videos)

What does this website outline as the important stages of human evolution?

Walking Upright: Some of the evolutionary mechanisms
Walking Upright Mechanisms

What was required for primates to walk upright?  Over what period of time did this occur?

Compare the mystery skull to other known homid skulls:
Mystery Skull Interactive

How many hominids were there? What features of the skull do Scientists use to understand them?

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