Monday, September 19, 2016

Visual Illusions

Interpretation of Images

Spinning Girl Illusion

The Science behind The Dress

The Corner House

10 of the Greatest Optical Illusions

We human's have pretty good vision - but what don't we see?

We don't see things outside our attention, 

.....but this can be improved through practice *sign in with your facebook account*

We don't see things outside our periphery, 

We don't see the entire colour spectrum, unlike the mantis shrimp.

Some of us don't see many colours at all: Try the colour-blindness simulator

We don't see UV light, unlike birds

We only see at a certain speed, unlike dragonflies

We don't see objects without certain cues.... like the spinning girl.  Find the explanation here.

How does our vision shape up compared to different animals?

But how do we know what colour is?  Vsauce - colour is an illusion

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Brain

Your Task:  Friday & Assess on Monday

Here are two videos on the brain:
Crash Course: The Brain
or if you don't like Crash Course try
Bozeman Science: The brain

You will be allocated one of the following:
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Olfactory Bulb
Occipital Lobe
Brain Stem
Frontal Lobe
Corpus Callosum

You will leave a short summary of your brain part on our group padlet:


 In which you will:

- Attach a picture on the internet that clearly states where this part is located.

- Discuss the exact spot in the brain where this part is found 

-Discuss the function of this part of the brain and describe a dysfunction that may occur in this part.

-Give an example of an activity, that the reader could participate in, which is utilizing this part of the brain particularly.  Ask McWhirter for help if unsure!

Successful Students will:
1. Research their part of the brain thoroughly and understand this to a point where they write confidently and clearly in their own words and avoid jargon terms   /5

2. Communicate clearly the  location and function of this part of the brain, and an example of a dysfunction.    /5

3. Select an interesting, relevant and clearly explained activity which highlights clearly the link between action and brain function.   /5

TOTAL out of 15.

Good Resources... ok just one. Find the rest yourself.
Interactive Brain Map

The Brain

Your Task:  Friday & Assess on Monday

Here are two videos on the brain:
Crash Course: The Brain
or if you don't like Crash Course try
Bozeman Science: The brain

You will be allocated one of the following:
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Olfactory Bulb
Occipital Lobe
Brain Stem
Frontal Lobe
Corpus Callosum

You will leave a short summary of your brain part on our group padlet 

 in which you will:

- Attach a picture on the internet that clearly states where this part is located.

- Discuss the exact spot in the brain where this part is found 

-Discuss the function of this part of the brain and describe a dysfunction that may occur in this part.

-Give an example of an activity, that the reader could participate in, which is utilizing this part of the brain particularly.  Ask McWhirter for help if unsure!

Successful Students will:
1. Research their part of the brain thoroughly and understand this to a point where they write confidently and clearly in their own words and avoid jargon terms   /5

2. Communicate clearly the  location and function of this part of the brain, and an example of a dysfunction.    /5

3. Select an interesting, relevant and clearly explained activity which highlights clearly the link between action and brain function.   /5

TOTAL out of 15.

Good Resources... ok just one. Find the rest yourself.
Interactive Brain Map

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reaction Experiment

Your Task:

Conduct a quick and simple study which investigates factors effecting reaction time.

Use the article above to help you decide what might be an interesting question to ask.

Once your question is decided:

1. Make a prediction about what you expect to find.

2. Write a method on how you will study this
- It should be detailed sufficiently that someone could reproduce your experiment exactly as you did it
- It should be written in dot point or list for
- Ideally it should be written in past tense
- You should not refer to 'I', 'we', 'us'.

3. Write up a results table ready to take results
- Look under the 'resources' tab to get some tips and tricks for using Excel


Writing Your Report:
*HINT* Use the Inquiry Resources under the 'Resources' tab for help.

This is a simple inquiry to give you some practice in the skills you will need for your major inquiry (next term).  Therefore you won't need to include all the usual sections or put the same amount of detail in.

Your simplified report should include:
1. Aim & prediction
2. Method (detailed)
3. Results table and graph
4. A short discussion of what you found.
-- This is where you discuss your results (and graph) and then compare this to the research of others.
--Look at the 'How to Write a Killed ABGS Discussion' in the Resources tab.
 --Be sure to include some research from the internet about it, there are some helpful links below

Main Reading Reaction times vs Reflexes

Influences on Reaction Time (This article is long and has a lot of unnecessary info, but you may find it has some easy to understand information that relates to your experiment)

More Influences on Reaction Time (Again, find the section that relates to your specific experiment - try and ignore any confusing information!)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Nervous System

Your task is to create a labelled model of a motor nerve.

The model should demonstrate:

The structure and function of the:
- Mylelin sheath
- The axon
- The dendrites
- The cell body (soma)

Watch: Structure of a nerve cell
Read: Overview of a Neuron (read up, but not including, the 'variations on neural theme' section)

Your model should also:
Compare and contrast the role of sensory nerves to motor nerves.  Showing this through a table or flow chart would be best.

Read: Nervous System Intro which is very good
or the Overview of a Neuron (link above)
or BBC Bitesize