Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Brain

Your Task:  Friday & Assess on Monday

Here are two videos on the brain:
Crash Course: The Brain
or if you don't like Crash Course try
Bozeman Science: The brain

You will be allocated one of the following:
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Olfactory Bulb
Occipital Lobe
Brain Stem
Frontal Lobe
Corpus Callosum

You will leave a short summary of your brain part on our group padlet:


 In which you will:

- Attach a picture on the internet that clearly states where this part is located.

- Discuss the exact spot in the brain where this part is found 

-Discuss the function of this part of the brain and describe a dysfunction that may occur in this part.

-Give an example of an activity, that the reader could participate in, which is utilizing this part of the brain particularly.  Ask McWhirter for help if unsure!

Successful Students will:
1. Research their part of the brain thoroughly and understand this to a point where they write confidently and clearly in their own words and avoid jargon terms   /5

2. Communicate clearly the  location and function of this part of the brain, and an example of a dysfunction.    /5

3. Select an interesting, relevant and clearly explained activity which highlights clearly the link between action and brain function.   /5

TOTAL out of 15.

Good Resources... ok just one. Find the rest yourself.
Interactive Brain Map

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