Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Brain


A brain model (out of plasticine or similar) which details 5 main parts of the brain and their function.

To one of the podcasts from the Radio National program "All in The Mind". Learn about the history of insanity, mind-reading and other fascinating topics here:  All in the Mind Podcast

To Do: 
1) Record the title of the talk you listened to.
2) Record some notes which detail:
      a) An overview of what was covered in the program
      b) Some key points made in the program
      c) Some parts you found interesting or challenging

One of the TED talks on the brain.  Browse through the list to find a topic that interests you.  TED Talk Brain Playlists

To Do:
1) Record the title of the  TED talk you listened to.
2) Record some notes which detail:
      a) An overview of what was covered in the talk
      b) Some key points made in the talk
      c) Some parts you found interesting or challenging


To Do:

1. Go over the resources below to create a definition for concussion - don't just use Google definitions!

2. Pull out some key facts about concussions from the studies (in the links below, dot point fine)

3. What are some of the key issues involved with concussions and young people (dot point fine)?

4. How are attitudes to concussions changing?  What advancements have led to this change in attitude?

5. How have advances in technology allowed for concussion prevention and management?

6. Given what you've read, what is your personal opinion about the number of concussions a high school athlete could 'get away with' before being sidelined from their sport permanently?

Suggested Links

Scientific Study: Traumatic Brain Injury in Victorian Hospitals 
 https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2013/198/8/increasing-incidence-hospitalisation-sport-related-concussion-victoria-australia Focus specifically on the 'Results' section to find some interesting facts

TED Talk: Kim Gorgens on protecting the brain against concussion
Hack Interview: Ian Roberts and Dr. Ian McDougall (audio podcast)

Significant Advances in Technology Being Made in Concussion Technology (video)

 Interactive Image: Head Injuries of a 21 year NFL player
Concussion: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors & Treatment


EITHER: Answer all 4 questions 

1. Describe the condition that you are studying: How is it contracted?  How does it effect individuals (bear in mind there is often a 'spectrum' of effects so ensure you cover this)

2. How has opinions and understanding of this condition changed over time?  What were some milestones in advancing our understanding and treatment of this condition?

3.  Write a case study of a person that is affected by your intellectual disability.  This could be either someone in your life, or find a case study on the internet (Mrs. McW can help with this).  The purpose of the case study is to give a real life example of how someone is effected by their intellectual disability/illness.  Think carefully about 

4. Use the 'Google News' tab (in Google) to find some current advances or news in the particular condition you are studying.  Summarise one recent (and relevant) article. Make sure you cite it.

Answer questions 1 & 4 (only) and
Summarize a TED talk on the topic of your choice TED Talk Brain Playlists or a All in the Mind Podcast

Your Assessment

Have you communicated that....

1. You understood the topic and could communicate your understanding clearly and with adequate depth and detail expected by a Year 9 student

Through this you should show that you understand: 
1.   The values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research

2.  Advances in science and emerging sciences and technologies can significantly affect people’s lives

3.  People can use scientific knowledge to evaluate whether they should accept claims, explanations or predictions

4.  Scientific understanding, including models and theories, are contestable and are refined over time through a process of review by the scientific community

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